Hi, I'm Dr. Chris Groscurth, and I am excited to release my first book to the world!
Book Information
Future-Ready Leadership: Strategies for the Fourth Industrial Revolution
By Chris R. Groscurth, Ph.D.
Hardcover, 180 pages (ISBN 978-1440865220)
ISBN 9781440865237 (e-book)
Published by: Praeger, an imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC
Provides executive leadership teams with the information, tools, and advice they need to lead their organizations into the "future of work," characterized by transformative, smart, and connected technologies already under way, including artificial intelligence, the internet of things, and automation.
The technological and economic forces of the fourth industrial revolution (4IR) are shifting organizations in radical new directions. Automation is taking place not only in factories but in retail environments, and it is not just powerful or precise: it is intelligent, and it learns. Leaders must learn to rely on new sources of data, analytics, and intelligence in their efforts to anticipate emerging trends, forecast unforeseen consequences, make sense of systems and complexity, communicate constantly, build strong networks based on trust, and ultimately, win a following.
Future-Ready Leadership is an invaluable resource for leaders and leadership educators seeking to transform 4IR trends into a source of collaborative (as opposed to competitive) advantage. A blueprint for reshaping the future of work, the book meets readers' "awareness need" by exploring cutting-edge research on technology's impact on the workplace. Each chapter uses data to set up a specific future of work leadership challenge, offering readers practical solutions and advice, actionable recommendations, and tools for reflection and action that can be put into practice right away.
Book Features
- Fully unpacks what 4iR and the rise of new industries will require from leaders
- Introduces tools for helping leaders to prepare themselves and assess their organization's readiness for managing high-velocity change
- Provides a roadmap for rethinking how learning and development are fostered in "always-on" learning organizations of the future
- Clarifies the critical role of public-private collaborations in meeting the development needs of the future of work
- Illuminates the central role behavioral economics will play in the 4iR era, rather than just the macroeconomic implications for society of the convergence of the mega trends underway
- Introduces discernment as a strategy for managing future-of-work ethical decisions that inevitably accompany the integration of AI in the workforce
Author Bio
Chris Groscurth, PhD, PCC, is a leadership and organizational effectiveness expert. For the past 20 years he has worked as a researcher and strategic advisor to leaders across healthcare, finance, manufacturing, government and education. Chris currently leads Stryker’s global learning, design and development focusing on preparing Stryker’s 38,000 employees for the future of medical technology leadership.
Throughout his career, he has held leadership positions with Gallup, Trinity Health and the University of Michigan. Chris received his doctorate in human communication processes from the University of Georgia and has bachelor's and master's degrees in human communication studies from Western Michigan University.
For educators and practitioners alike, Groscurth presents a compelling argument for why our rapidly changing times demand a special kind of leadership. To thrive in the new industrial age, he posits that leaders need to demonstrate presence, agility, collaboration, development, and discernment. Utilizing a multitude of unique self-assessment tools and practical recommendations, this book provides a clear recipe for what leaders and organizations need to do to prepare for and adapt to the future. --Peter G. Northouse, Ph.D., Author of the bestseller Leadership: Theory and Practice, 8e
Tomorrow’s leaders must embrace the gifts of self-awareness, collaboration, community, and connection to succeed. This important volume shows leaders the way forward into the uncertain future. A must read to lead a new shift from running your organization focused solely on profits and revenues to a more inclusive way." --Debra A. Canales, Executive vice president and chief administrative officer, Providence St. Joseph Health
Think of the business giants in recent history – Carnegie, Ford, Rockefeller, Gates, and Jobs. How did they succeed? They anticipated new technologies and prepared for the future. In Future-Ready Leadership, Chris Groscurth shows us how make the most of the fourth industrial revolution and become the next success story. Buy two copies – one to keep and gift the other one to your manager.” –-Martin Lanik, best-selling author of The Leader Habit
Chris Groscurth is one of the nation's foremost authorities on leadership and organizational change. In this important new book, he provides a clear and compelling vision of the challenges and opportunities for leaders around the dynamic and emergent technologies that will re-shape our understanding of work and organizational life. This book is also a practical guide for helping leaders readying for these changes and in developing the skills to guide their organizations toward vibrant futures. --L. Jay Lemons, President, Academic Search Inc.
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